Sunday, September 11, 2011

Masquerade Ball

A couple pictures from my masquerade ball :)
my dress is from ASOS, and the brand is lipsy.
my friend's dress is vintage.
Quite a short update, just to let you know where i am :)
i am currently in week 7 of uni, so it is nearing to the end! Summer is finally in sight, the weather has been amazing! :) so beautiful and sunny.
I am also planning a contiki trip at the end of the year to explore Asia, which should be amazing :)
I hope everyone has an amazing day! :)


  1. you both look gorgeous, love the dresses :)

  2. Wow, you both look great, big thumbs up on the hair. I've met a few Australians through contiki trips while they were over in the UK and they all loved it, I'm sure you will have a good time. I'm sure you will catch the travel bug.

  3. So jealous you're going on a contiki soon!

    I'm going on my first in 2013. So far away...haha but I can't wait!
