
Easy & Simple Braids: 3 step guide!

by - 9:06 PM

Hi beauties!
Today's post will showcase some of my ultimate favourite braids! there are super simple and look amazing! 

Miranda Kerr  & Dianna Agron rocking the milkmaid braid!


01. Start by creating two pony tails, one either side. Do this by parting your hair in the middle and tieing it up. Braid each side into a loose braid.

02. The next step is to flip one of the braids over your head, wrapping it around and securing it with bobby pins. 

03. Repeat step two. make sue the ends of each braid are placed underneath the other braid. it makes the whole look neater :)

& thats it! 3 simple steps! :)

Below is another take on the exact same process but instead of flipping them over the top of your head, wrap them around the lower half. 


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