
Why, Hello!

by - 8:54 PM

Apologies for my absence! But hopefully this post is my comeback :)
I just started back at uni, I am determined to make this the best semester yet.
I am keeping busy to manage my time & be more productive.
I started a new job which is so much fun & i work 3 days during the week, leaving my weekends free for ballet & a social life :) 
I have been going to the gym which is amazing! I feel so much healthier!
I am currently saving to go traveling at the end of the year, I cannot wait!! :)

My fashion or style is slightly changing. i am liking the more basic looks. like this one, a basic tee, fitted pants & a blazer. :)

i booked an appoitnment to get my hair re-done, im thinking this colour! what do you think?

Talk soon Loves :)

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