
A Peek into my Boudoir

by - 6:50 AM

yes, yes, i mean bedroom,
excuse my French :)
but i thought i would post up a photo of my bedroom as i am always blocking the view in my videos & i receive soooo many questions about it!
So i decorate with various things, i do not shop in a particular place, but if you are looking for a one stop bedroom shopping/decorating experience, check out ikea <3
That place never ceases to amaze me, with both the quality of products & the effect on my bank balance. eeeeep!
Regardless, you can find cute things anywhere! try department stores, thrift stores, your choosing! :)
I have gone for a random, modern, somewhat industrial approach I guess. Nothing of excessive vernacular forms, just simple 

 Bed - Ikea Malm
Bed Cover - Target
White Tub Chair - Ikea
Bed side table - Furniture already laying around the house :)
Audrey Painting - Gift from friend, though loads of people tell me they have a similar one, but a bit smaller? in ikea
Mirror - Bought years ago, & my friends tell me it is magic! ;) they say it is very slimming :) hahah
totally reminds me of "mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all"
 Daskmask Curtains - Spotlight
assortment of pillows
turquoise glass bottle

I tend to go with ‘less is more’ when I decorate, though as you would have noticed, my collection of materialistic possessions grows by the day.
Though I try to keep it minimal, living by Holly GoLightly’s aphorism, ‘I'm like cat here, a no-name slob. We belong to nobody, and nobody belongs to us. We don't even belong to each other’
So it may seem strange to not want to belong to one place, but I get really attached to material things, emotions, people…. You get the jist.
& I want to travel, right now I find it really difficult because I get home-sick very easily.
& im not saying that is a bad thing, but as I get older I need to learn how to move on & begin my own life….. Home is where my family and friends are, not the room I decorated, or painted, or hung paintings in.
Sooo this lead me to adapting her words of wisdom, of not being permanent.
You would have noticed my paintings aren’t hung, everything can be removed, everything can be replaced, so right now the space is mine, the emotions & the feelings that occur in that room are forever mine, but it can all change.
So that’s the background story to my room

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