
Holly's Study Tips!

by - 12:28 AM

I always get questions about my degree & the tips or tricks I have for studying! Having been through high school and now university I have created a routine on how I study, but recently when I purchased a Mac I found I needed to re learn all the basics of computing!

But I was lucky enough to be sponsored by Nuffnang and Microsoft, to try out the new office phase 2.

It is all the Microsoft applications that I know how to use but on Mac! Yay! I have always loved writing up notes & essay’s in Word, as it is so easy to use and edit, as well as reference & add details. The pack also includes Excel, Outlook & PowerPoint to write up all your presentations.

I am loving that I can use all the Microsoft softwares on my Mac. If you would like to try out the new Microsoft office for Mac, Nuffnang is giving away a couple copies(http://www.nuffnang.com.au/blog/2011/06/14/competition-better-your-blogging-thanks-to-microsoft/) & be sure to check out the spics & specs on what the phase two office Mac has to offer.

You can also grab a trial version to test it out first :) Office for Mac trial

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